
Another executed studio...

Execution after execution...Studio by studio...They all died.THPS,Guitar Hero,Blur...Well-kniwn franchises,famous games,creative souls,hardworking people.But it's not their opinion.Giant can only make a desicion.And Activision said their last word.

Founded in 2007, United Front Games was working on new True Crime game,months of hard work and final decision by publisher - "not good enough".That meaned that we'll never see next True Crime game.Project was canceled and studio hadn't another project to work on.

And the stunning (but expected) news we just recieved:some employees noticed that their accounts in LinkedIn that they are no longer with the company.The cuts appear to have been made to a number disciplines, ranging from game design to animation to engineering, and from varying degrees of seniority.I think it's about closing guys.I'm very sorry because I really loved True Crime and I hope you'll find another studio where publisher is NOT an Activision.Good Luck!

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